Why Your Customers Being Satisfied is Not Enough

Why Your Customers Being Satisfied is Not Enough

In business everybody serves somebody, but it is how you serve them which matters most.  One of the definitions of the word serve is ‘to be of assistance, to help’ and while most want to help, it might depend on your mood, if you like the person or if you feel it will...
The Importance of Customer Service Standards

The Importance of Customer Service Standards

Customer service standards are making a comeback – and rightly so! Technology platforms and digital, automated and self-service delivery channels are still on the rise, but it is important to remember that there is a team of people working behind the scenes to ensure...
How to Manage and Reduce Your Customer Complaints

How to Manage and Reduce Your Customer Complaints

All organisations who provide products and services to customers need complaints.  Whether they are called complaints, feedback or suggestions – the purpose and benefits of these are the same for your organisation. Complaints highlight where something is not working...
Manage Your Customer Relationships Better, and Thrive!

Manage Your Customer Relationships Better, and Thrive!

How would you feel if the way you manage your customer relationships was your core business strategy? Is the way you engage with your customers the ‘Ace Card’ in your business? Managing your relationship with your customers is about so much more than a software...
How to Really Value Your Customers

How to Really Value Your Customers

It’s quite interesting to me that I still find when working with some clients, that the real value of their customers is not known to them! Customers are central to the survival of every business – regardless of size, sector, country etc. and they need to be central...

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