Leadership Development Programs
Transformational Leadership
Leadership is a complex, interactive process with behavioural, relational and situational elements. It is not found solely in the official leader, but occurs at individual, group and organisational levels.
There are many styles of leadership but the most impactful is that of transformational leaders. They focus on the big picture, and motivate the team to be effective and efficient. They are highly visible and use the chain of command to get the job done. If you want to understand and become a transformational leader this programme is for you.
Key topics covered over 2 days are:
- Forces influencing transformational leadership
- Effective and ineffective leadership behaviours
- Emotional intelligence in leaders
- Recruiting and retaining transformational leaders
- Developing high performance teams and managing the barriers faced by them.
Strategy Development and Management
What are the main approaches to developing strategy and how can they be applied in practice? Different perspectives on strategy suggest the ‘best’ way of approaching strategy is dependent on the context of the organisation. The type of leadership required in a turnaround situation, for example, is very different from that required for changing organisational culture, or for maintaining strategic direction in a time of stability.
To help you and your leadership team understand the various approaches, build your strategic roadmap and manage the route to success, this programme is for you.
Key topics covered over 2 days are:
- Strategic Thinking and Management
- Organisational setting
- The strategic management process
- Strategy management information
- Business performance measurement
- Strategy implementation.
Leading Cultural Change
The pace of change is at times, overwhelming. Changing people’s mindset is considered to be both the greatest solution and the greatest challenge. As a leader you must role model the changed behaviours you wish to see your people exhibit in your organisation.
Culture is your behaviours and your actions and as a leader, you must change yourself before you expect your people to change. The way you talk to and treat your colleagues and your customers will determine your success.
Key topics covered over 2 days are:
- Develop your change culture and align it with your business strategy and processes
- Align culture with your brand
- Change your behaviours before you change those in others
- Connect culture and accountability at all levels
- Establish your change management team
- Overcome resistance to change
- Measure your success.